Monday, November 4, 2013

so this still exists. don't read it, though.

Life is hard sometimes. Sometimes you realize that you can never top that post you made years ago about Halloween costumes and that no one will notice if you quit updating your horrible blog. Coming up with ideas is hard, folks. However, I feel I owe it to all of my fan to keep trying to think of things to write about. So let's see. How did I do this before...oh yeah, stupid internet pictures.
Ughhh. That's a wacky picture, huh? So, horses. I've always been a little intimidated by horses, mostly because of their giant teeth. I've now stared at this sentence for five minutes, so clearly I have nothing more to say about horses. I'm not even going to acknowledge that it's a seal in a horse mask. It's probably just doing that weird seal bark in there. Thinkin' 'bout fish...NEXT. 
This tiger ripped up a chair. I'm sure there are some cat jokes in here somewhere. Something about kitty litter and scratching posts. I don't know. Oh. How about "hey I hate mondays too but THIS IS RIDICULOUS!"???? Because Garfield...Welp. I think that'll do it. This is just to see if I remember how to write blog posts. I'm not sure I ever actually knew what I was doing. I'll try again in a year.