Ughhh. That's a wacky picture, huh? So, horses. I've always been a little intimidated by horses, mostly because of their giant teeth. I've now stared at this sentence for five minutes, so clearly I have nothing more to say about horses. I'm not even going to acknowledge that it's a seal in a horse mask. It's probably just doing that weird seal bark in there. Thinkin' 'bout fish...NEXT.
This tiger ripped up a chair. I'm sure there are some cat jokes in here somewhere. Something about kitty litter and scratching posts. I don't know. Oh. How about "hey I hate mondays too but THIS IS RIDICULOUS!"???? Because Garfield...Welp. I think that'll do it. This is just to see if I remember how to write blog posts. I'm not sure I ever actually knew what I was doing. I'll try again in a year.
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