Love is...creeping me out. |
The laundromat was busy this morning, and by busy I mean one woman was using FIVE washing machines and talking on her phone while her kids ran around. Luckily, there was another Mexican newspaper I could look through. First of all, the naked children are back. This time love is something about the sun. All I see is a naked seven year old with super powers that doesn't care if his girlfriend gets wet in the rain. He seems to be telling a story about how he thwarted some villain but has NO IDEA that his girlfriend lost her pearl necklace from last time and is now getting drenched. This kid is an asshole.
Next, I saw another familiar face. TWICE. It's the clown that does colorful events. Here he is giving away Guitar Hero to a small child. A few pages later, he's shown giving his trademark "call me!" hand signal. Contrary to what people might say, I like to see people succeed. This Mexican clown is out there DOING IT and I respect him. I RESPECT THIS MEXICAN CLOWN.
Let's move on to race relations. The hispanic kids from earlier finally stopped running around when a little white boy came in with a box of Hot Wheels. As they sat in the sun screaming and making car crash sounds, I thought about racism. I also thought about parenting, because both moms let some creepy guy blatantly take a picture of their children. I know they saw me do it, but neither one said anything. I have to assume they're used to that sort of behavior at the laundromat. Anyway, about race relations. If all the kids in the country went to laundromats and played with kids from different races, would the world be a better place? Would we still be putting up fences around our borders and
hearts??? I thought about this for a few minutes before turning back to the newspaper. As I flipped the page, I realized Mexico was still a ways off on the whole erasing racism thing.
Damn it, Mexico. |
I mean, at least this Little Black Sambo character is breaking the chains, right? Although, the face at the top next to "Memin Pinguin" kind of undoes that one good part of the drawing. Aside from the amazing racism advertising a BRAND NEW work, what confuses me the most is what is written in the yellow explosion. It says "ejemplar de obsequio!" which the internet translates as "flattery unit!" WHAT COULD THIS POSSIBLY MEAN? Are these people part of a superhero squad called The Flattery Unit? If so, are they aligned with the naked child from earlier? Is their primary purpose to go around flattering people? SO. MANY. QUESTIONS. I finally came to the conclusion that Mexico is building some sort of stereotype army. Now, I'm not certain what their goal is, but it probably has to do with flattery and forcing everyone to wonder if yelling through a megaphone and blowing a whistle somehow makes music better (hint: it does not).
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